my 5th mom’s day

6 years ago Fysh came into this world but him arriving in August means that this year is only my 5th mom’s day.

The mom hat is a really hard one to bear sometime and even more so when you have to wear the dad hat with it. But this dude, his hugs and kisses and i love you’s remind me why I’m doing it. I’m raising a human being, this soul is going to have a life of his own one day, he has his own attitude, his own way of doing things, one day he’ll answer to a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and perhaps even raise his own little tribe one day.

I’m responsible for that. Who the hell thought it was okay to put me in charge of a job so monumental and literally life changing cause they should totally have their badge taken away from them!

But he’s my little miracle and I couldn’t picture life without his constant talking, cuddles and random feather gifts.



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