the death of a loved one

I’ve been meaning to write this since it happened last week but I haven’t gotten round to putting the words in my head down onto a post. I’ve written a few posts in my head and none of them do her justice which is why I’ve been quiet.

We lost a family member Monday evening last week. She was beautiful and loved with abandon, she was kind and full of life. She’s missed by us all but mostly by Fysh. You see, Fysh doesn’t know a life without her. We got Joonbug when he was a year old and she’s been his best friend ever since.

Yes I’m talking about a dog, but Joonbug was more than just a dog, she really was a member of the family. Sure she ate poop and thought she was a cat but still.

I’ll never get to watch the two of them chilling out in a blanket fort Fysh made again, or watch them play soccer or hear her bark or see her happy face greet us at the gate. But worst of all Fysh last his best friend and that’s a really big life lesson for him, one I would never have wanted for him.




8 thoughts on “the death of a loved one

  1. I am so sorry for your huge loss. And it really is a huge huge loss. For us as grown ups but even more so for the kids.

    We lost two fursiblings over the last year – with Bongi it was a bit easier – she was very very old and we had been preparing the kids for ages. Then one morning the kids and I left early for shopping and she had a stroke. H took her to the vet as she was totally paralyzed – there was nothing to be done. We told the kids and there were tears, for quite a while. But they were basically ok.

    With Rufus it was so much worse because he was so young. And it went so fast from becoming sick to his liver giving in. There were many many tears- also from me.

    Lots of love to you both

  2. I’m so sorry. I can absolutely relate; our dogs aren’t our pets but our 4 legged children. Hugs to you and Fysh.

  3. I am so so sorry for your loss! I got half way through reading this and had to skip past the images to the comments because I just burst into tears. I think about what life would be like without my dogs and I can only imagine the sadness. <3 <3

  4. Aww :( I am so sorry.

    Cole and I lost Xena, our 3-legged cat a couple of years ago and it felt like I lost a part of my soul. She was my spirit animal.

    I am petrified of the day that it is Rhino (our other cat’s) time. Him and Mikayla grew up together, they are best friends.
    I hope Fysh os taking it okay.

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