cake, jungle gyms and curry

It was my birthday on the 28th and I wasn’t going to really do anything to celebrate it but then I won a cake on Caffeine and Fairydust‘s blog from Bosworth Bakery so I decided to take it as a sign and set up a day to invite everyone to celebrate with me. I tend […]

27th sun rotation

It’s my birthday! The annual celebration of my rotation around the sun. I’m sort of sad to see 26 go, it was a good year, highs and lows but mostly really good then again if it was so good I can only imagine how great 27 is going to be. Yes I was spoiled, I […]

three hundred and sixty five ish days

So it’s our anniversary. Kinda. (The person decided that February 20th is the date but I’m convinced it’s March, we agreed on February and now he’s thinking it probably was March *insert smug smile* we’ll just celebrate twice.) It’s still weird to think that we’ve been together for so long, I guess it isn’t really […]