my love language is affirmation

There are 5 love languages and I have come to realise that my love language is words of affirmation. I need to hear I’m doing well and that I’m loved else I fall into a deep dark hole of self doubt and loathing. I don’t talk properly to myself, I struggle with that, always have but […]

send some mail

A while back I was given an opportunity to have a few cards printed at industry quality and rates. With cashflow being what it is I almost declined but then decided hell, run a print and get just a few of them. So I’d like to introduce a limited batch of cards of Charlie painted […]

the #CTMeetUp

Okay this post is going to be shorter than I planned because I wrote a really awesome one mentioning EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE and linked to all the amazing sponsors that gifted us at the meet but then wordpress decided you’re not allowed to read it so an error occurred. And nope, a draft of it […]

date night at Banana Jam Cafe

Fysh is with mum again, second Friday in a row he’s sleeping over – I could get used to this. So it was “date night” for us! We went to one of The Person’s friends farewell party at Banana Jam Cafe. I haven’t been there in years, literally, and I forgot what a great little […]

three hundred and sixty five ish days

So it’s our anniversary. Kinda. (The person decided that February 20th is the date but I’m convinced it’s March, we agreed on February and now he’s thinking it probably was March *insert smug smile* we’ll just celebrate twice.) It’s still weird to think that we’ve been together for so long, I guess it isn’t really […]

handmade bags, poppers and sushi

Yesterday was the hallmark holiday that the majority of the population dreads and the other part loves with far too much of a passion. We didn’t outright say we weren’t celebrating it but there was a mutual agreement that we weren’t going to do the whole hearts and flowers thing. This morning we missioned through to […]

Dear Person.

Tomorrow is that one day a year that you’ve got to declare your love to your loved ones but in my opinion if they don’t already know how you feel about them then you’re clearly doing something wrong. One day a year shouldn’t be about flowers and hearts and all that nausea inducing hallmark crap […]