being an uncommon case

I recently saw my psychiatrist again and got some really great news – from here on out I’ll only need to see him every 5/6 months AND as of 2016 I probably won’t have to see him anymore just a general practitioner to have my prescription refilled! Why is this great news? Well for starters […]

growing up but still me

Isn’t it wonderfully scary how things change? How WE change? Had you told me 5 years ago I’d be where I am today I’d have called you a liar. 5 years ago I was pregnant and alone and feeling like a complete failure. 5 years ago I felt like there was absolutely no way I’d […]

a lot can happen in 12 weeks

There are all those motivational pictures spread out over the web saying things like “a year from now you’ll wish you’d started today” or “yesterday you said tomorrow” and so on. Well I’ve gone and proven to myself how damn true those things are (but in a positive way) and just how much you can […]

the #bwb take over the @bedouindeli in woodstock

Frightening how speedily time passes us by, on Saturday we had our 2nd #BWB get together which means it’s been 6 weeks since the last one already (holy purple socks on a rooster!) and it was lovely seeing all the faces behind the blogs and tweets again as well as some new ones that have […]

secret worlds and silly stories

I’ve read a few times that results of studies show that creative and depressed people are generally those with an above average IQ. I know that when I took the test in school I scored higher and also tested with a slight learning disability (would have been nice if teachers had taken all this into […]

3am rambles

you’re insane ‘they’ said. she believed them. she let it consume her. she let it define her. You don’t understand. You never will. Spoken words take on a life, they are able to morph into pernicious blades of fear. They can capture and torture you, make you bleed and form deep caverns of self loathing. […]

a good day

There are up’s and downs, today was luckily an up. I say luckily as I missioned out to Stellenbosch to meet someone new which is always a tough one for me, I’m no good with people in real life. But today was one of the nicest I’ve had for some time. It was unpretentious and […]